Wood windows and doors are designed to operate smoothly, stay open, seal, and lock closed. Excessive paint, movement, neglect, and poor retrofits can create poor function, draft and bad aesthetics.


Heritage Restoration, Inc can survey, repair, restore, reproduce, and tune-up old and historic windows and doors.

A Survey documents the quantity and need of each unit, where an Owner can select the best treatment based on need or intended outcome.

Tune-ups manipulate a unit back to function by removing paint build up, adjusting stops, and replacing missing parts.

Restoration addresses function, paint, bed and face glaze and poor function. Parts are stripped and refinished, weather stripping can be added and the unit made operable again. Restoration is part of a a once in a hundred-year cycle that restores units back to their original appearance and function.

Onsite Painting can prepare and refinish lead hazards, including the window trough, jamb, and interior/exterior surfaces.

Onsite Repairs can fix woodwork like weight pocket covers, reattach exterior casings, complete rot repair or replacement or replace broken glass.

Certified Lead Safe can be achieved by all of the finishes becoming sound and the unit functioning without friction or impact. A restored unit is as pristine as it was when it was made, with fresh paint and operation.